题 目:Tumor targeted drug delivery and imaging using polydiacetylene micelles
报告人:Eric DORIS 博士
单 位:法国原子能与可替代能源委员会
时 间:2014/11/6 15:00
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
Dr. Eric Doris studied organic chemistry at the University of Strasbourg (France). He obtained his PhD degree in 1995 from the same University, under the guidance of Dr. Charles Mioskowski. In 1996 he completed his post-doctoral training with Sir Derek H. R. Barton at Texas A&M University (USA). Since 1997, he has been working at the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission of France (CEA) where he is leading the Nanoscience research group. His current research interests include the synthesis of biologically active compounds, supramolecular assemblies on carbon nanotubes, and nanomedicine for drug delivery and imaging applications.
题 目:Carbon nanotube-gold nanohybrids: design, synthesis and evaluation as heterogeneous catalysts
报告人:Edmond GRAVEL 博士
单 位:法国原子能与可替代能源委员会
时 间:2014/11/6 16:00
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
Dr. Edmond Gravel studied pharmacy at the Paris-Sud 11 University (France), where he obtained his PharmD in 2007 and received his Ph.D. under the guidance of Prof. Erwan Poupon in 2008. He then joined the group of Eric Doris as a post-doctoral fellow at the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission of France (CEA). He was appointed as a permanent researcher in the Nanoscience group in 2009. His research interests focus on bioactive natural products, supramolecular self-assemblies, heterogeneous catalysis, and nanomaterials for biomedical applications.
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