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Regulating Molecular Recognition and Chemical Reactivity in Synthetic Supercontainers

题 目:Regulating Molecular Recognition and Chemical Reactivity in Synthetic Supercontainers
报告人:Zhenqiang Wang (王振强) 教授
单 位:University of South Dakota
时 间:2015/6/18 09:30
地 点:化学楼四楼报告厅
Dr. Wang received his B.S. degree in 2000 from Peking University (China). He then went on to pursue his graduate studies at the University of South Florida (Tampa) and received his PhD degree in Inorganic Chemistry in 2006. He did his postdoctoral work at U.C. San Diego before joining the chemistry department at the University of South Dakota in July, 2010. Dr. Wang has published numerous papers in scientific journals, including Chem. Soc. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., and Angew Chem Int .Ed. His recent awards include the Coalition of EPSCoR/IDeA Young Investigator (South Dakota, 2013), the ChemComm Emerging Investigator (2014), and the CAREER Award of National Science Foundation (2014).

报告网页链接如下:Zhenqiang Wang (王振强)教授学术报告链接