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Light Harvesting in Nanoscale Systems

题 目:Light Harvesting in Nanoscale Systems
报告人:Amitava Patra 教授
单 位:Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
时 间:2015/7/10 09:30
地 点:纳米楼一楼报告厅
Professor Amitava Patra, received his Ph. D (1993) from Jadavpur University, India. He is now Professor at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India. He is a fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014. He is the recipient of C.N.R. Rao National Prize for Chemical Research, DAE-SRC Outstanding Investigator Award, A.V. Rama Rao Foundation Prize in Chemistry, AsiaNANO 2010 Award, CRSI Bronze Medal, Ramanujan Fellowship, MRSI Medal. He is an Advisory board member of Nanoscale and Journal of Physical Chemistry and others. He is author or co-author of more than 167 scientific papers, 3 book chapters and 2 Indian patents. His research interests include decay dynamics, energy transfer, and electron transfer of QD, Au nanoparticles, polymer and porphyrin based luminescent nanoparticles, and photonic materials using up- and down- conversion luminescence. His research papers have been cited more than 4550 by peers (h-index= 39).

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