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Designing amphiphilic peptoids for bio-inspired synthesis of functional nanomaterials

题 目:Designing amphiphilic peptoids for bio-inspired synthesis of functional nanomaterials
报告人:陈春龙 研究员
单 位:美国 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
时 间:2017/11/6 09:30
地 点:化学楼四楼报告厅
Chun-Long Chen is a senior research scientist and a principle investigator at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He is also one of the four thrust leads for a multi-year $20M PNNL internally funded initiative, Materials Synthesis and Simulation Across Scales (MS3), aimed to establish primacy in the predictive science of synthesis for nanostructured and macromolecular materials. His research group is currently tackling the challenges of developing sequence-defined peptoids to mimic proteins and peptides for self-assembly of biomimetic functional materials (e.g. artificial membranes) and for bio-inspired control of plasmonic nanocrystal formation, with the long-term vision to mimic all possible functions of natural proteins using sequence-defined synthetic molecules. Dr. Chen has published more than 60 papers with three US patents.
