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Flexible and Wearable Electronics for Human Health Monitoring

题 目:Flexible and Wearable Electronics for Human Health Monitoring
报告人:丁义纯 博士
单 位:美国南达科他矿业理工大学
时 间:2018/7/27   9:30
地 点:海西院2#235会议室
    Flexible and wearable sensors can provide convenient, timely, and portable solutions for human health monitoring, which have attracted wide attention in both academia and commercial market.  Some commercial products such as FitbitTM wristband and AppleTM watch have been developed for fitness tracking of human activities including walking steps/distance, sleep stage, heart rate, and wrist pulse, yet the function is still very limited.  In addition, human health monitoring systems not only requires functional sensors but also needs power supply, connector (conductor), data acquisition, and signal processing components.  Recently, some endeavors have been made to explore various novel electronics for human health monitoring, but it is still a challenge to develop flexible electronics with features of multi-functional, highly sensitive, fast-response, good stability, wearable and conformable, and low-cost, etc.  Our research is to develop versatile flexible electronics including different flexible sensors (e.g., UV sensor, strain sensor, pressure/tactile sensor, and biosensor), stretchable conductive textile, and wearable power supply devices based on the preparation of various functional materials/structures.  In this presentation, I will demonstrate some of our results on the development of stretchable strain sensor and compressible pressure sensor for human motion monitoring (e.g., joint bending, speaking, and walking gait). 

    丁义纯,男,博士,2006.09-2010.06南昌航空大学应用化学专业获理学学士学位,2010.09-2013.06江西师范大学有机化学专业获理学硕士学位,2014.08-2018.07美国南达科他矿业理工大学生物医学工程专业获理学博士学位。目前研究方向主要包括纳米材料/纳米结构的制备及应用,柔性可穿戴电子器件用于人体健康监测,高性能聚合物及聚合物基复合材料等。迄今已在Progress in Polymer SciencesACS Applied Materials & InterfacesChemical CommunicationsNanoscaleMacromolecule等杂志上发表学术论文37篇,其中SCI论文31篇,影响因子>5的论文11篇,单篇最高影响因子为25.766此外申请专利4项(美国专利2项,中国专利2项),受邀撰写英文书籍章节1篇。