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(1)Huang, W.; Hayward, R. C., Orthogonal Ambipolar Semiconductors with Inherently Multi-Dimensional Responses for the Discriminative Sensing of Chemical Vapors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10 (39), 33353-33359.
(2)Huang, W.; Markwart, J. C.; Briseno, A. L.; Hayward, R. C., Orthogonal Ambipolar Semiconductor Nanostructures for Complementary Logic Gates. ACS Nano 2016, 10 (9), 8610-8619. 
(3) Huang, W.; Besar, K.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, S.; Wiedman, G.; Liu, Y.; Guo, W.; Song, J.; Hemker, K.; Hristova, K.; Kymissis, I. J.; Katz, H. E., A High-Capacitance Salt-Free Dielectric for Self-Healable, Printable, and Flexible Organic Field Effect Transistors and Chemical Sensor. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25 (24), 3745-3755. 
(4) Huang, W.; Besar, K.; LeCover, R.; Dulloor, P.; Sinha, J.; Martínez Hardigree, J. F.; Pick, C.; Swavola, J.; Everett, A. D.; Frechette, J.; Bevan, M.; Katz, H. E., Label-free brain injury biomarker detection based on highly sensitive large area organic thin film transistor with hybrid coupling layer. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5 (1), 416-426.
(5)Huang, W.; Sinha, J.; Yeh, M.-L.; Hardigree, J. F. M.; LeCover, R.; Besar, K.; Rule, A. M.; Breysse, P. N.; Katz, H. E., Diverse Organic Field-Effect Transistor Sensor Responses from Two Functionalized Naphthalenetetracarboxylic Diimides and Copper Phthalocyanine Semiconductors Distinguishable Over a Wide Analyte Range. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, 23 (33), 4094-4104. 
(6) Huang, W.; Besar, K.; LeCover, R.; Rule, A. M.; Breysse, P. N.; Katz, H. E., Highly Sensitive NH3 Detection Based on Organic Field-Effect Transistors with Tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane as Receptor. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134 (36), 14650-14653. 
(7) Huang, W.; Su, L.; Bo, Z., Hyperbranched Polymers with a Degree of Branching of 100% Prepared by Catalyst Transfer Suzuki?Miyaura Polycondensation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131 (30), 10348-10349.